Monday, December 18, 2006

The Cutoff Is The New Button

*** Definitions are at bottom***

Once upon a time in the not so distance past, there was this move in poker termed “The Button Raise.” It went something like this: If everyone at the table acted weakly, the person on the button (referred to as simply “the button” from now on) would put in a decent raise. He was simply saying, “Are your cards good enough to beat my cards and my position?” Often the answer was no.

Then a strange thing happened. Internet poker and internet poker strategy articles became the rave. Pretty soon everyone knew what the button was and about raising on the button. And because everyone knew, things changed. A raise on the button would often elicit the following response: “He is just raising because he has the button. His hand isn’t necessarily that strong.” As the button raise became more commonplace, so did the lack of respect afforded to it.

Well somewhere along the line, entrepreneuring poker players figured out the button raise wasn’t working like it used to and started a new trend. The Cutoff Raise. For all intents and purposes, it is the same thing as a button raise just performed one position earlier. And it worked. For awhile at least.

Like with everything else on the internet, it did not remain a secret long. It is the new button raise. Everyone who thinks they know anything about internet poker right now eschews raising on the button in favor of raising at the cutoff. And like the button raise, people are taking notice. The move loses some of its strength each and every time someone performs it.

As for those entrepreneuring players? Well if they are any good they already know this and have found ways to use it to their advantage. The real question is: Now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

For you newbies

The Button
- Definition: The position that acts last during each round of betting in Texas Holdem and in Omaha
- It gets its name from the dealer button that rotates around the table to mark who is last each hand.
- For most situations, this is a position of strength due to the fact that you get to see what everyone else does before you act

The Cutoff
- Definition: The position acting immediately before the button
- For most situations, it is also a position of strength. However, it is not quite as good as being on the button.


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