Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I'm current on break in a MTT. I'm in first place with 28,000 chips. Current second place has almost 20,000. 816 entrants, and 173 bustas left. I'll let y'all know how things end up.

The money hand for me was like this. KQ of spades in the BB. Three handed, two of us with stacks of about 12,000. Flop comes As-Qh-10d. I check, other big stack checks. Button bets big, and I call. Other big stack check-raises to about $2,000. Button calls ... I think about it for a second and then make the donkey call with 2nd pair, gutshot, and backdoor flush. Turn is the Jack of spades giving me the nuts and a draw to more. I get it all in with the other big stack who had 8-9 off (smaller straight, meaning at worst we split), then I hit my flush on the river just to leave no doubt.

Okay, the action is back, and I'm at a new table. Sweet. I'm still going for my first win in an MTT, so wish me luck!
_ _

Still in first, but there were definitely a couple rough spots in there. I got 56K and second place has 47K. 59 players left.
_ _

Now it's down to 17 players, and I've somehow donked my out of and back into first place. I'm sitting on 156,000 chips, while my nearest opponent is at $129,000. Let's get it ...

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