Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tax Holiday Rampage: Introduction

I can't wait for Friday to come. In case you don't already know, my day job is an accountant. (No Chris Moneymaker jokes, please.) To celebrate the end of our busy season (which coincides with tax season), my firm has given us Friday off with pay.

Freakin' sweet, right?

There isn't much question regarding how I'm going to spend my day of freedom. I plan on making a grand tour of several of Los Angeles's fine gaming establishments and earning my day's pay like a local pro. I'll start off at Hollywood Park, where they regularly have low-limit Stud games going ($2-4 and $3-6). After I've doubled or tripled my buy-in there (should take roughly an hour), I'll head east a bit to the Bicycle to play some $1-2 No Limit Hold 'Em. It's been a while, and I miss the game. I've been looking forward to playing Hold 'Em in a brick-and-mortar establishment again for some time. I don't expect to do terribly well, since I've been away from the game for a while. That's why I'm going to Hollywood Park first, to earn a couple of buy-ins playing Stud so I can just relax and have fun at my Hold 'Em table.

Once I'm tired of Hold 'Em, or I've been felted a few times, I'll drive a little ways up the 710 Freeway to my favorite of L.A.'s casinos -- the Commerce. Here I will either add to the day's winnings or make back my losses playing $4-8 Stud. Either way, I should have a lot of fun.

And Saturday, my girlfriend has to work. As unfortunate a circumstance as that is, it frees me up to do it all over again. ;-D I'll let y'all know how my two-day rampage goes.

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